Thursday, August 18, 2011

PASS Senate Bill 9 to Give Youth Serving Life Without Parole An Opportunity for Release

There are at least 2,570 people in the United States serving Juvenile Life Without the Possibility of Parole (JLWOP) for crimes they allegedly committed before they were 18. At least 263 of them are incarcerated in California – arrested at the age of 16 or 17, they have been sentenced to die in prison. Due to the amazing work that you and many people across the state and the nation have been doing, Senate Bill 9 passed out of the State Senate, and has also passed out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee. It will be heard on August 17th in the Appropriations Committee and will then go to the full Assembly soon after that. We need your help again for the last big push to get SB9 through the State Legislature. Your participation will make history in giving people serving Youth LWOP an opportunity for release. Pleeeeeeze…
  1. Use the information below and these phone numbers and fact sheet, to make calls to each of the Assembly members. Additional information is available at
  2. Put the SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN!!! Get on the bus Wednesday night, August 17th and return Thursday night August 18th for A DAY AT THE STATE CAPITOL TALKING TO LEGISLATORS. We have a few seats left. The transportation and food are free.
Use this paragraph to discuss the bill – either by phone or face-to-face if you can set up a meeting either in their home office or in Sacramento. If you have enough time, you can also add your own experience – as a youth, survivor of crime, parent, teacher, juvenile hall counselor, member of the clergy, etc. Hello, my name is ___ and I am calling from (city). I am calling to urge the Assembly member to VOTE YES ON SENATE BILL 9. In California, youth under the age of 18 are sentenced to Life Without the Possibility of Parole. No matter how positive their growth or how much they change, these 16 and 17 year olds will have no opportunity for release. They will die in prison. Senate Bill 9 will allow for a review of Juvenile LWOP cases and an opportunity for youth to receive rehabilitation programming while in prison. If they can prove that they have made positive progress, they will have an opportunity for re-sent ncing. SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN. Travel with us to the State Capitol to meet the Assembly members face-to-face. We will be meeting at the YJC/Chuco’s Justice Center (address below) at 9pm, Wednesday, August 17th and returning to L.A. Thursday, August 18th at approximately midnight. Youth who are or who have been in the system, family members of youth serving LWOP and Extreme Life Sentences, Lifers and other people who have been in prison as and are now home, and survivors of violent crime are especially encouraged to attend. Call or e-mail back by the and of the day on Tuesday to reserve your seat.

YOU ARE MAKING THE CALLS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE INSIDE WHO WON’T HAVE THAT OPPORTUNITY. In case they ask: 1. The fact sheet included with this e-mail gives you more information on youth serving LWOP in California and the U.S. 2. As described above, the bill has passed the State Senate, and was also passed out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee. It will be heard on August 17th in the Appropriations Committee and will then go to the full Assembly. 3. The bill was first introduced in the State Senate by Senator Leland Yee.

SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN. Travel with us to the State Capitol to meet the Assembly members face-to-face. We will be meeting at the YJC/Chuco’s Justice Center (address below) at 9pm, Wednesday, August 17th and returning to L.A. Thursday, August 18th at approximately midnight. Youth who are or who have been in the system, family members of youth serving LWOP and Extreme Life Sentences, Lifers and other people who have been in prison as and are now home, and survivors of violent crime are especially encouraged to attend. Call or e-mail back by the end of the day on Tuesday to reserve your seat.

Youth Justice Coalition
@ Chuco's Justice Center
On the border between South Central L.A. and Inglewood
one light west of Florence and Crenshaw
1137 E. Redondo Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90302
323-235-4243 * Fax: 323-846-9472

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