Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Tuesday Is Today: 5 Ways To Give Back

Remember last Thursday? As a nation, we collectively gathered, sat down, feasted together, and celebrated in gratitude for all that we have, be it family, friends, loved ones, a warm home, a good job, our health. And then we continued onto Black Friday and Cyber Monday, their "must have" sales giving us more to celebrate (and have---let's face it).

Now, it's Tuesday...Giving Tuesday, that is. Making its debut thanks to an initiative by New York's 92nd Street YMCA, Giving Tuesday seeks to start a holiday tradition that brings us back to the roots of the season: giving, compassion, appreciation, and unity. Meant to empower not just those who would be on the receiving end of Giving Tuesday, this particular day, which kicks off giving all season long, is also meant to empower those of us who want to be of help to others in any way we can, no matter how small the gesture.

Click HERE to see 5 ways you can help give back and support our communities!

Giving Tuesday Is Today: 5 Ways To Give Back



SHIELDS has been winning the battle against poverty and substance abuse since 1991. A leader in the child welfare and substance abuse fields, our programs change and save lives.

But we can't do it alone. We need your help. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Free Upcoming California Thanksgiving Events

FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner (RIVERSIDE)

Central Community Christian Fellowship will be hosting their 25th Annual FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner on November 22, Thanksgiving Day! Everyone is invited to join us for a free Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. We are serving dinner from 12pm-2pm at 5623 Arlington Ave. in Riverside, CA. If you are unable to come eat with us, we will be happy to deliver a hot meal to your home for FREE! You must call 951.689.5806 to reserve your meals. Volunteers & donations welcome! We are in need of turkeys and pumpkin pies! We accept volunteers on November 21 & 22, 2012. Call 951.689.5806 to sign-up to volunteer or for more information.
Sponsored By: Sugar Foods & Muffin Top Bakery

Where: Central Community Christian Fellowship, 5623 Arlington Ave., Riverside, CA 92504
Date: November 22nd
Time: 12:00 pm
Cost: FREE
Website: http://www.centralcommunity.com
Email: eric@centralcommunity.com
Phone: 951-689-5806

Salvation Army of Southern California
A warm, free Thanksgiving meal will be served to individuals in need.
The Salvation Army's Bell Shelter and their families will feast on a gourmet sit-down Turkey
November 22, 212

The Ventura Corps' "One City One Meal"
Date: November 22, 2012
Time: 9:00 a.m.

This Thanksgiving Day affair will be offering a warm meal and community camraderie for all to enjoy.
Who: General public.
Location: Ventura County Fairgrounds - 10 W. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA, 93001
Time: TBD
Contact: Lt. Vanessa Jensen - (805) 659-3598

The Salvation Army Glendale Thanksgiving Meal
The Salvation Army in Glendale will be hosting a Thanksgiving Day meal for those in need. The dinner is estimated to serve 800 people.
Location: The Salvation Army Glendale 320 Windsor Rd., Glendale, CA 91204
Date: November 22, 2012
Time: 11:00-2:00 PM
Who: this event is open to the public.
Contact: Captain Rio Ray (818) 246-5586 ext. 122

Anaheim Temple's Community Thanksgiving Dinner
A warm, free Thanksgiving meal will be served to individuals in need.
Who: This event is open to the general public.
Location: Anaheim Temple - 201 E Cypress Street, Anaheim, CA 92805
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Contact: Major Carlos Bravo or Matilde Esparza - (714) 778-5462

The Salvation Army's Bell Shelter Thanksgiving Feast
Hundreds of residents from The Salvation Army's Bell Shelter and their families will feast on a gourmet sit-down Turkey dinner compliments of The Cheesecake Factory and their volunteers. The Haven, Zahn and Hope Harbor clients are also invited every year to enjoy this exceptional event. This is the Cheesecake Factory's 11th year of service during Thanksgiving Day.
Who: Bell Shelter homeless residents
Location: Bell Shelter - 5600 Rickenbacker Road, Bell, CA 90201
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Contact: Alexandra Tostes - (323) 263-1206 ext. 204

The Salvation Army Oxnard Community Corps' Thanksgiving Dinner
A Thanksgiving meal will be served to 300 individuals in need.
Who: This cost free event is open to the general public.
Location: Oxnard Community Corps - 622 West Wooley Road, Oxnard, CA 93032
Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Contact: Jeannie Pizano - (805) 383-9235

The Salvation Army's Bell Shelter Thanksgiving Feast
The Salvation Army's Bell Shelter's residents and their families will feast on a gourmet sit-down Turkey dinner, (including pumpkin cheesecake!) compliments of The Cheesecake Factory and their volunteers. Clients from the Haven, Zahn and Hope Harbor will also attend this exceptional event. This is the Cheesecake Factory's 11th year of service during Thanksgiving Day.
Who: Individuals in need.
Location: Bell Shelter-5600 Rickenbacker Road, Bell, CA 90201
Time: 11:15 AM to 1:00 PM
Contact: Alexandra Tostes - (323) 263-1206 x 204

The Salvation Army Santa Maria Corps' Thanksgiving Lunch
The Santa Maria Corps will be serving a Thanksgiving meal for 500 families in need.
Who: This cost free event is open to the general public.
Location: The Salvation Army Santa Maria Corps- 402 South Miller Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Time: 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Contact: Maria Ramirez-(805) 349-2421

The Torrance Community Corps' 5th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
The Torrance Corps will be serving a warm, Thanksgiving meal to those in need.
Who: Individuals in need.
Location: The Salvation Army Torrance Corps- 4223 Emerald Street, Torrance, CA 90503
Time: 11:30 AM
Contact: Rubina Navarro - (310) 370-4515

The Salvation Army Pasadena Thanksgiving Day Dinner
The Salvation Army in Pasadena is hosting its Annual Thanksgiving Day dinner for those in need. The dinner is estimated to serve 800 people.
Who: This event is open to the public
Location: The Salvation Army Pasadena 960 Walnut St., Pasadena CA 91106
Contact: Pat Riley (626) 773-4404

The San Pedro Community Corps' Thanksgiving Lunch
The San Pedro Community Corps will be opening its doors to host a warm Thanksgiving lunch for those in need.
Who: Individuals in need.
Location: San Pedro Corps- 138 S. Bandini Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
Time: 12:00 PM
Contact: Capt. Ligia Ambriz & Araceli De Leon - (310) 832-7228

Westside Thanksgiving Celebration
Thanksgiving Day, Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 1855 Main St. | info 310-394-3153
The Westside Thanksgiving Celebration at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium is open to everyone. Guests will enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. The Vision Project and the Westside Thanksgiving Day Dinner Committee will also provide the homeless with flu shots and basic medical care, eye drops, glasses, clothing, blankets and haircuts. The turkey feast will be served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Santa Monica Civic Auditorium is located at 1855 Main St. http://www.westsidethanksgiving.org

Riverside County Thanksgiving Baskets
Assistance League; Holiday Baskets
Program provides Thanksgiving and Easter baskets to local needy families
Address: 180 N. Girard Street Hemet, CA 92544 view map
Phone: (951) 652-8307

Assistance League; Operation School Bell
Operation School Bell provides new school clothes, hygeine kit, and backpacks to children in need as recommended by various school districts. The ultimate goal of this project is to help a child establish good self-esteem.
Address: 180 N. Girard Street Hemet, CA 92544
Phone: (951) 652-8307

God's Helping Hand; Emergency Assistance
Provides emergency food, clothing, rental and utility assistance provided when funding is available. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets provided to those in need. Please call for information on the rental and utility assistance to see if funding is available.
Address: 1040 Tepee Lane Perris , CA 92570
Phone: (951) 657-3041

God's Helping Hand; Perris, Emergency Assistance
Provides emergency food, clothing, and rental assistance provided when funding is available. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets provided to those in need. Please call for information on rental assistance to see if funding is available.
Address: 1040 Tepee Lane Perris , CA 92570
Phone: (951) 657-3041

Lighthouse Community Church Survival Ministries
Emergency food assistance is provided on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 9:00am - 12:00 noon. Please bring picture ID and utility bill to show proof of residence. Holiday assistance with food baskets are available for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Clothes are also provided to needy (when available)
Address: 23100 Betty Rd. Perris , CA 92570
Phone: (951) 657-8810

Riverside City Mission
Program provides approximately a 10-day supply of food. Assistance is limited to once a month. Orders are taken on the 3rd Friday of the month and delivered on the following Saturday. Free clothing assistance. During holidays, Thanksgiving/Christmas meals are served as well as holiday baskets.
Address: 3787 Sixth Street Riverside , CA 92501
Phone: (951) 341-5055

Norco: Free Holiday Dinners
10 years of Free Thanksgiving, Christmas Dinners & Entertainment for everyone!!
Free Thanksgiving Dinners & Christmas Day with Santa - Entertainment for Everyone! Celebrating 10 years!!

10th Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner at Silverado Burgers 1091 6th Street Norco,CA 92860 11am - 3pm 11-22-12 . Everyone invited!! Hillbilly Reign to perform!! For more information contact Brent at (951)545-3697

Volunteers & donations of items welcome!!

Jackson Limousine Service Annual Turkey Dinner Give-Away
DATE: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
TIME: 8:00 a.m. – until approx. 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: The Jackson Limousine Service fleet yard
ADDRESS:  3669 West Slauson Ave, Los Angeles (btwn West Blvd & Deane)
WHAT:  See over 10,000 people (senior citizens on fixed incomes and the needy families) lined-up for the 24th Annual  Jackson Limousine Service Turkey Dinner Give-Away +  Celebrities and community leaders bring greetings and assist in the dinner give-away
WHO: EJ Jackson, founder and president of Jackson Limousine  Service – the successful company and chauffeur service  to the stars in Los Angeles
PURPOSE:  To put the “Happy” back into Thanksgiving for senior citizens on fixed-incomes and the needy families, by giving them a turkey and all the dinner fixings- cornbread, greens,  yams, cranberry sauce and more- to prepare and enjoy a  traditional Thanksgiving dinner at their home.
CONTACT: Lyn Tavai – (800) 522-9955

***   ***   ***

References brought to you by


Talia Wesley
Workforce Development - Customer Service
Career Coach
1325 Spruce Street, Suite 110, Riverside, CA 92507
office: 951.955.3623   
fax: 951.955.3131
email: TWesley@rivcoeda.org
web: www.rivcojobs.com

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Patricia McKenna Featured on Exitos 93.9 Los Angeles

Radio station Exitos 93.9fm interviewed SHIELDS' Court Liason Patricia McKenna about Domestic Violence, its prevalence within the Latino population, and the available services in our community. Listen to the interview here (in Spanish) http://www.mediafire.com/?2dxaec4josgfzgs
Also, plan to attend a FREE forum on Domestic Violence on Saturday November 17th from 8:30am – 3:00pm at the Mexican Consulate Building – Raul Anguiano Room, 2401 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles CA 90057 (RSVP via email andelgado@sre.gob.mx or pperez@src.gob.mx or call # (213) 351 – 6818 or # (213) 368 – 2732
  • Art activities for children 5+ years
  • Transportation is not provided
Spread the word!
La Estacion de Radio Exitos 93.9 FM entrevisto a la representante de Shields for Families en la Corte, Patricia McKenna, acerca del problema de Violencia Domestica que prevalece en la comunidad Latina y los servicios que estan disponibles dentro de esta Comunidad. Puedes escuchar esta entrevista (en Espanol) http://www.mediafire.com/?2dxaec4josgfzgs
Ademas, habra un foro gratis de Violencia Domestica el dia Sabado, Noviembre 17th de las 8:30am a las 3:00pm en el Edificio del Consulado Mexicano – Oficina Raul Anguiano. La direccion es 2401 W. 6th Street, en la Ciudad de Los Angeles, CA 90057 (Reserva via email a andelgado@sre.gob.mx o pperez@src.gob.mx o tambien llamando al (213) 351-6818 o (213) 368-2732.
  • Habra actividades para ninos de 5 anos en adelante
  • No se proveera transportacion
¡Pasa la voz!

SHIELDS Encourages You To Vote Today!

This 2012 election represents a pivotal turning point in our history. The outcome will determine the direction of California and our nation, specifically around issues of education, the economy, immigration and healthcare.

Election day is today, Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and SHIELDS for Families encourages all registered voters to participate in the electoral process and VOTE.

Join Community Coalition for an election night watch party, November 6th, to watch the live results of the 2012 election. To RSVP go to http://bit.ly/StQy2m

Online Resources
California General Election Official Voter Information Guide

Research campaign contributions and lobbying activity

View voter guides in other languages

Find your polling place

Obtain vote-by-mail ballot information

Get helpful information for first-time voters

Watch live election results after polls close on Election Day