SHIELDS Remembers Ms. Lenora Robinson

Lenora Robinson was the third child born to Everette and Melba Tene Robinson on September 28, 1953. She was the first ever graduate from the Genesis Family Day Treatment program and the very first alumni to be employed by SHIELDS.

She received an art scholarship to attend the University of California, Berkeley, an Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts, a Bachelor of Arts degree from the California State University Dominguez Hills as well as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certificate.

She served as a Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist within the Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) Program and Program Manager/Coordinator for the Aftercare Program. In addition, she was also a counselor as well as the Founder of the SHIELDS Alumni Association and held positions in the Good News Outpatient Drug Treatment program.

Lenora had a wealth of experience and knowledge that she passed on to many. On behalf of SHIELDS, she presented on numerous occasions on the affects that substance abuse has on mothers, children, infants and the family unit as a whole.
Over the years we at SHIELDS have seen Lenora, or “Ms. Robinson” as so many have affectionately called her over the years, wear the hats of a precocious daughter, a protective mother, a peppery aunt, a loving grandmother and an understanding best friend… sometimes all at once. The honesty, passion and love that the she first brought to SHIELDS two decades ago still permeates through every program, every event, every client and every employee to this day. Her shoes will never be filled, but her legacy lives on in the lives of the alumni she has counseled, the families she has nurtured, and those of us lucky colleagues who were so blessed to have her in our lives and call her friend.

Lenora passed away on April 28, 2011. She is survived by three loving daughters. We extend our most heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones. Lenora is part of the foundation and legacy of SHIELDS, she is our guardian angel and she will forever be in our thoughts and good graces.

“She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.”
-Toni Morrison


  1. I truly loved Ms. Robinson. She inspired me to go further all the time. She will be missed in my life and I just want to give my condolescences to her family and let them know she is truly a shield and protector for the remaining days to come to all who crossed her path. She made a profound impact on my life and there will never be another Ms.Robinson ..Torrie Wallace

  2. For the Peterman and McCray families, Ms Robinson came into our lives and made us part of hers. The personal guidance, love and understanding was one that could not be matched. The mentoring within the fellowship involving spirituality, life principles, and being of service. She emphasized the will, and dedication required as being a part of an organization such as Aftercare. A place where a person could come and share what is heavy on their hearts and lend their experience strength, and hopes when possible.

    Thank You Ms Rob.. Selvin Peterman

  3. I will always remember Ms. Robinson peaking her head into the office doorway and saying "Good morning, Larry". Her humble wisdom was very much noticed. I did not know her very long but I feel she is a lifelong friend.

  4. Ms. Robinson will be truly missed. She brought so much warmth, wit, and conviction to her work. Our interactions were few, but they were always meaningful. She will be missed. May she rest in peace and love.

  5. Im, so sorry i couldnt make it to you your home going,,It was so hard to suit up and show up(It was a wonder time we shared,,never new u was suffing i could even tell,Well just wanna say that youre in a better place,And thanks to you i made it 7 because of all the words you gave me soon i will be 8 with a cold heart ache,BUT in the end we will meet a again,


  6. There are some people placed in your life for a special reason. So long ago Ms. Robinson was placed in my life to nurture, guide amd teach me the way to live one day at a time. Though I held back the tears at her Memorial Service, as I sit here and look at this Blog I can no longer hold back the the tears for pain and emptiness I feel inside at the lost of one of the most Awesome, Courageous, Loving, Honest and Down to Earth Woman that I have had the pleasure of knowing. May you be at peace and the legacy you left behind will always be a part of my continuous growth. I MISS YOU, I can still hear your voice saying DEAR!

  7. The MST team won't be the same with out you Ms. Rob but you won't be forgotten. You'll live in our hearts.

    Ms. M

  8. Im sorry for our loss , she touched clients with her words , she gave me hope to graduate and she was living proof that there is happyness after addiction .... Lost but not forgotton ya... thank you ...R.I.P...
