Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Call for Entries - Stories of Recovery

Serene Center - Transitional Sober living Community needs your stories to inspire others recovery.

Point of Return is a book dedicated to those in recovery that have found one thing that matters most for long-term recovery from alcoholism and addiction.

Point of Return, Book Two is now scheduled for publication and a very special contest is under way.  There are only three stories left to fill, so please act fast.

Don't miss this opportunity to inspire someone who needs to hear your message.

If you wish to participate in the contest, simply write an article of your life story, the point at which you found long-term recovery, and the one thing that matters most in your recovery effort. The article must be between 4000 and 6000 words: about half of the article is about your addiction and about half is about the point at which you entered long-term recovery and what the most important thing in your recovery is. The article is meant to provide encouragement and hope for all those in recovery: to show everyone that addiction can be arrested, and that long-term healthy lifestyles of recovery and joy are possible.

If you wish to participate in the contest to have your article published in Point of Return Book Two, please submit your article via email to in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format. If we select your article to be included in Point of Return Book Two, you will receive a $100 stipend upon signing an author agreement form and you will be entered into a drawing to be named as the honorary donor to provide transitional sober living treatment to someone who desperately needs to build a foundation of recovery, a $1425 value. this is a tremendous opportunity to give back what you have received: a chance at long-term recovery.

How is my story selected?
We will read your story within a week of receiving it via email, if selected, you will receive a communication back from us telling you of our interest and informing you of the next steps in the process. We cannot tell you when your story will be published, but we will publish it as soon as we get 14 others to join in.

How am I paid?
After we select the story and you agree to sign the contract giving Serene Center the rights to publish the story, you will receive payment via check. You will also get a copy of the book after it is published.

Do I need to censor my story?
You can write anything in your article: it is best to be totally honest. The book is written for the general population, so we may edit profanity but we will not edit the impact of a life situation. In many ways, the more extreme stories evoke a greater sense of hope.

What types of addiction are you looking for?
We want stories about alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and process addictions such as gambling, eating disorders, and sex addiction. Essentially, if your story is one of addiction, we want to read it!

If you wish to participate in the contest and have 5 years of more of sobriety, simply write an article of your life story, the point at which you found long-term recovery, and the one thing that matters most in your recovery effort. The article must be between 4000 and 6000 words and be in Microsoft Word .doc format or in raw text .rtf format: about half of the article is about your addiction and about half is about the point at which you entered long-term recovery and what the most important thing in your recovery is. The article is meant to provide encouragement and hope for all those in recovery: to show everyone that addiction can be arrested and that long-term healthy lifestyles of recovery and joy are possible.

More information about the article requirements and contest for Point of Return Book Two can be found at

Please submit your story to:
Andrew Martin or call 562.366.3557 x.210.
Invite your friends and colleagues to submit as well.

1215 E 4th Street | Long Beach, CA 90802
Phone: 562.366.3557 | Fax: 562.366.3586

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stop Discrimination Against Unemployed Workers

It's hard enough to be unemployed — but there's a growing problem with companies that refuse to hire people who don't already have a job. With unemployment at 9%, this kind of discrimination affects a huge number of people. And it hits Black communities particularly hard, as more than 15% of African Americans are unemployed.1

Our friends at USAction launched a campaign asking job listing websites like to ban ads that discriminate against the unemployed.2 But not only did refuse to ban these ads — they actually threatened legal action against USAction for raising the issue.3 Other job listing websites have been completely silent. It's outrageous. needs to hear our voices now. Please join us in calling on and other job listing websites to stop publishing ads which discriminate against the unemployed. It takes just a moment:

At a time when more than 9% of Americans are out of work, during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, no one should have to have a job in order to get a job. This type of discrimination hurts everyone who's looking for work. But Black people are nearly twice as likely to be unemployed as White folks. And Latinos are also unemployed at a higher rate than Whites.4 Whether it's intended or not, discrimination against the unemployed is discrimination against Black and Latino Americans.

Democrats in the House and Senate are crafting legislation that would make this kind of discrimination illegal. We'll keep an eye on that legislation and let you know how you can help get it passed.

But right now, without any law to prevent discrimination against the unemployed, job listing websites could do more than anyone else to stop this practice. These companies are supposed to be in the business of helping people find jobs. But by continuing to publish help wanted ads that say "you must be currently employed to apply," they're enabling a practice which makes it even harder to recover for the people who are struggling the hardest in this economy. has said that they're against discrimination against the unemployed5 — but they're refusing to stop publishing these ads, saying that they'll leave it up to individual companies to decide what to do.6 wants to have it both ways — they think they can pay lip service to opposing this practice, while continuing to make money off of the companies that engage in it. It's selfish and irresponsible.

We can help by joining the more than 60,000 people who have already called for and other job listing sites to stop discrimination against the unemployed. If enough of us speak out, we can create negative media attention that will make easier for to do the right thing than to continue profiting from job listings that discriminate.

Please join us in demanding that and other job listing companies stop publishing ads that discriminate against the unemployed:

Thanks and Peace,
Rashad, James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Matt, Natasha and the rest of the team


1. Bureau of Labor Statistics News Release, 8-5-11

2. "Stop Discrimination Against Unemployed Workers," USAction

3. " Says It Won't Ban Third-Party Ads That Discourage Job Applications From The Unemployed," Huffington Post, 8-12-11

4. See reference 1.

5. "Updated: Monster Speaks Out Against Employment Discrimination," 8-8-11

6. See reference 3.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

PASS Senate Bill 9 to Give Youth Serving Life Without Parole An Opportunity for Release

There are at least 2,570 people in the United States serving Juvenile Life Without the Possibility of Parole (JLWOP) for crimes they allegedly committed before they were 18. At least 263 of them are incarcerated in California – arrested at the age of 16 or 17, they have been sentenced to die in prison. Due to the amazing work that you and many people across the state and the nation have been doing, Senate Bill 9 passed out of the State Senate, and has also passed out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee. It will be heard on August 17th in the Appropriations Committee and will then go to the full Assembly soon after that. We need your help again for the last big push to get SB9 through the State Legislature. Your participation will make history in giving people serving Youth LWOP an opportunity for release. Pleeeeeeze…
  1. Use the information below and these phone numbers and fact sheet, to make calls to each of the Assembly members. Additional information is available at
  2. Put the SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN!!! Get on the bus Wednesday night, August 17th and return Thursday night August 18th for A DAY AT THE STATE CAPITOL TALKING TO LEGISLATORS. We have a few seats left. The transportation and food are free.
Use this paragraph to discuss the bill – either by phone or face-to-face if you can set up a meeting either in their home office or in Sacramento. If you have enough time, you can also add your own experience – as a youth, survivor of crime, parent, teacher, juvenile hall counselor, member of the clergy, etc. Hello, my name is ___ and I am calling from (city). I am calling to urge the Assembly member to VOTE YES ON SENATE BILL 9. In California, youth under the age of 18 are sentenced to Life Without the Possibility of Parole. No matter how positive their growth or how much they change, these 16 and 17 year olds will have no opportunity for release. They will die in prison. Senate Bill 9 will allow for a review of Juvenile LWOP cases and an opportunity for youth to receive rehabilitation programming while in prison. If they can prove that they have made positive progress, they will have an opportunity for re-sent ncing. SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN. Travel with us to the State Capitol to meet the Assembly members face-to-face. We will be meeting at the YJC/Chuco’s Justice Center (address below) at 9pm, Wednesday, August 17th and returning to L.A. Thursday, August 18th at approximately midnight. Youth who are or who have been in the system, family members of youth serving LWOP and Extreme Life Sentences, Lifers and other people who have been in prison as and are now home, and survivors of violent crime are especially encouraged to attend. Call or e-mail back by the and of the day on Tuesday to reserve your seat.

YOU ARE MAKING THE CALLS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE INSIDE WHO WON’T HAVE THAT OPPORTUNITY. In case they ask: 1. The fact sheet included with this e-mail gives you more information on youth serving LWOP in California and the U.S. 2. As described above, the bill has passed the State Senate, and was also passed out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee. It will be heard on August 17th in the Appropriations Committee and will then go to the full Assembly. 3. The bill was first introduced in the State Senate by Senator Leland Yee.

SMACK DOWN ON SAC TOWN. Travel with us to the State Capitol to meet the Assembly members face-to-face. We will be meeting at the YJC/Chuco’s Justice Center (address below) at 9pm, Wednesday, August 17th and returning to L.A. Thursday, August 18th at approximately midnight. Youth who are or who have been in the system, family members of youth serving LWOP and Extreme Life Sentences, Lifers and other people who have been in prison as and are now home, and survivors of violent crime are especially encouraged to attend. Call or e-mail back by the end of the day on Tuesday to reserve your seat.

Youth Justice Coalition
@ Chuco's Justice Center
On the border between South Central L.A. and Inglewood
one light west of Florence and Crenshaw
1137 E. Redondo Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90302
323-235-4243 * Fax: 323-846-9472

Domestic Violence Workshop - Only two weeks left to register!

Time is passing and space is filling up, do not miss your opportunity to participate in this intensive skills-building training.
Register today!

Training At-a-Glance
This event will provide an introduction to the clinical skills needed to assess for intimate partner violence in the home, and intervene as necessary. Combining theory, videos, case studies, and role playing, the trainer will guide participants through two days of hands-on learning, leaving attendees with practical tools they can utilize in their everyday work.

Scholarships Available
Is the registration fee preventing you from participating? Contact Training & Events Coordinator Ellen Lenzi at for scholarship information.

Continuing Education
Continuing education credit for this event is sponsored by The Institute for Continuing Education. The event offers a total of 11 contract hours.

Register NOW for Your Best Rate on CWLA's National Conference!

Summer Special Registration Rate
for Making Children a Priority: Leading Change
February 26-29, 2012
at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia

By far, the best value on conference registration is this summer special. Register online by Friday, September 16 and take advantage of this money-saving offer. Current members will save $155 off regular registration, potential members will save $225 off regular registration.

CWLA’s 2012 national conference promises to be an extraordinary opportunity to learn how to thrive despite the changing landscape and the economic challenges for organizations, systems, communities, children, youth, and families.

You can look forward to a comprehensive conference that features:

» Inspiring keynote speakers.
» Workshops presented by leading experts in the field.
» An empowering roster of shared learning opportunities.
» Powerful pre-conference institutes.
» Content-rich super sessions.
» Great networking opportunities.

Don’t miss the biggest savings! Register online by Friday, September 16 and say you’ll join us for Making Children a Priority: Leading Change now!

Please share this special offer with your coworkers and colleagues so that they can join us too!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thank You Car Wash Fundraiser Participants!

SHIELDS for Families would like to thank all the staff and youth of the Department of Juvenile Justice, Watts Office for raising $175 by hosting a car wash to benefit SHIELDS! 

We appreciate your hard work and generosity!

For more information on how you can help the children, youth, and families of SHIELDS please contact Stephanie Moss 323.242.5000 x1209,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

IMHP Honors SHIELDS Kathy Icenhower at Concert Event

Night of Music featuring VESTA and Friends
featuring her hits "Congratulations"and "Sweet, Sweet Love"

Benefit Concert for IMHP Honoring the 18th Anniversary of 
Saturday, September 10, 2011
6:00pm - 10:00pm

Nate Holden Performing Arts Center
4718 W. Washington Blvd. 90016
Los Angeles, CA

General Admission $44

Doors open at 6 p.m.

VIP Meet and Greet Reception at 5p.m. with Vesta - Cocktails, 
H'ordourves & Golden Circle Seating $150.00

Contact Inglewood Tickets

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Urgent Redistricting Meeting this Thursday

JOIN the African American Redistricting Collaborative for a community meeting to
Evaluate the final draft maps in the redistricting process:
Redistricting Final Maps - Community Meeting Thursday, Aug. 4 from 6-8pm at West Angeles Villas, 6030 Crenshaw Blvd. For more info call (323) 629-3505
Community Conversation: Evaluation Final Draft Maps
Redistricting - the process of redrawing state districts -- will determine whether our communities have a voice in government.
Join the AARC for a community conversation as they discuss the final draft maps for state Senate, Assembly, and Congress that the Citizen's Redistricting Commission approved on Friday, July 29th.
There is still time to tell the Commission to respect our communities and enable us to have a voice in South L.A. The Commission needs to hear from us!
Email or call (323) 629-3505 (RSVP is appreciated).

Car Wash Fundraiser for SHIELDS this Thursday 08/04

The youth of Watts Department of Juvenile Justice are hosting a car wash fundraiser to benefit SHIELDS for Families this Thursday August 4th 2011 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at 9110 S. Central Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90002.

Recommended donation of $3 per car and $5 per truck but will take any/all donations.